Trudeau Marriage

Canada’s top dog, Justin Trudeau, and his missus Sophie, they’re callin’ it quits after 18 years of wedded bliss, eh.


We have made the decision to separate, eh

Trudeau, the 51-year-old Prime Minister, spilled the beans on Instagram, sayin’, “Sophie and I would like to share the fact that after many meaningful and difficult conversations, we have made the decision to separate, eh.”


They hitched up in 2005, and they’ve got three little hosers runnin’ around. But don’t go grabbin’ your tissues just yet, it’s supposed to be one of them friendly breakups, ya know? Trudeau’s blabbin’ about deep love and respect, and they’re gonna keep raisin’ their ankle-biters in a cozy, collaborative setup.


Canadians can expect to often see the family together

According to the PM’s office, “Both parents will be a constant presence in their children’s lives, and Canadians can expect to often see the family together, eh.”


She was his political wingman, or should I say, wingwoman

Now, this ain’t just a love story hitting the skids, it’s also a political break-up, eh. Sophie was like Trudeau’s right-hand woman, helpin’ him out in three federal elections and havin’ her mitts in all the big decisions. It’s like, she wasn’t just his partner in love, she was his political wingman, or should I say, wingwoman, you know?


Trudeau spilled the beans about how they first hooked up at the Starlight Children’s Foundation gala in 2003. They got chattin’, and Trudeau found out Sophie went to school with his late brother, Michel, and even dated one of Michel’s buddies back in high school, eh.


So, Trudeau, bein’ the smooth talker he is…

…says, “I’m 31 years old, so I’ve been waiting for you for 31 years. Can we just skip the boyfriend/girlfriend part and go straight to engaged, since we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together?” Classic Trudeau move, right?


Anyway, it’s a bit of a bummer, but what can you do, eh? Life’s like a double-double—sometimes it’s sweet, and sometimes it’s a bit bitter, just like this breakup, eh.


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