Eh, Forget the Mall, Let’s Get Some Cybertruck Action, Eh?

So, on Black Friday, instead of joinin’ the shopping herd, a bunch of hosers up in Canada decided, “Let’s check out the Cybertruck, eh?”


Cybertruck Mania Hits the Great White North, Take Off!

Picture this, you got a bunch of Canucks lining up outside the Tesla Store in Langley, BC, just to get a gawk at the electric pickup that’s got more buzz than a beehive at a maple syrup factory.


One Cybertruck, One Country – Canada’s VIP Guest

Tesla sent just one Cybertruck to Canada, and guess where it’s partying? Langley, baby! It’s like the Prime Minister of electric trucks decided to have a shindig in the Great White North.


Build Quality – Like a Moose in a Tuxedo

They’re saying the build quality is as clean as a hockey rink after Zamboni duty. The Cybertruck in Langley is like the Wayne Gretzky of trucks – flawless, and with no missing teeth.


Sure, Tesla got some flack before for cars that were less put together than a two-four puzzle, but with the Cybertruck, it’s like they found the secret ingredient to making cars that don’t apologize every time they hit a pothole.


Tesla’s Learning Curve: A Decade of Saying Sorry, Finally Payin’ Off

Tesla’s been at this car-making game for over 10 years now, and it looks like they’ve learned more than your buddy Dave at the curling rink in those 10 years. Traditional automakers? They’re like the Zamboni driver still figuring out how to turn left.


A Global Frenzy: Americans Join the Beauty Contest, Buddy

Down south in the good ol’ US of A, folks are stampeding to Tesla showrooms like they just heard there’s free poutine. Even those who’ve seen it at Cyber Rodeos and shareholder meetings are losing their toques over the production version.


Ray4Tesla’s Take: Cybertruck Build Quality, Eh?

Now, Ray4Tesla, the influencer and retail investor, he’s seen the Cybertruck more times than he’s seen the back of his own eyelids. But he’s raving about the build quality like it’s the best thing since back bacon. One or two minor defects, but they’re so small, you’d need a magnifying glass, or at least a really strong pair of glasses, to spot ’em.


Cyber Monday Plans: Move Over Shopping, Hello Cybertruck, Take Off Again, Eh?

According to the latest stats by the Cybertruck location tracker at, looks like many people are planning to spend this Cyber Monday at a Cybertruck showroom. What’s your plan, eh? Tell us in the comments, and maybe we’ll grab a double-double and discuss it, buddy!


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